A selection of comments concerning the shooting at the Federal Courthouse on Monday. There are a couple I missed because they were deleted, one of which was truly heinous. The Review-Journal story predictably has the worst of it as it is the local conservative rag. But the Sun has some filthy bastards of their own commenting.
Mad American wrote on January 04, 2010 09:40 AM:
Its starting to happen. Citizens against the oppressive government.
HELEN WEILS wrote on January 04, 2010 10:18 AM:
Whew! Glad to hear the shooting victims were government union workers and not actual people.
James the Lawyer wrote on January 04, 2010 10:43 AM:
This sad story just noiw being reported, by the media, but I predict...
Many, many, many Metro Police Officers, CCFD and LVFD firefighters were be declared as "Heroes" and we see them over and over and over again on TV, internet, radio and in the print media receiving citations, ribbons, pay raises, Hero blankets, flyovers, salutes, plaques, keys to the city, medals, etc. etc. etc. for their work as Brave Heroes!
Question: Isn't this the job coppers and firefighters get paid so handsomely for, especially the firefighters???
P.S. Give a medal to Union Representative Ryan Beaman also. With the unions, everyone gets something right?
Too_many_laws wrote on January 04, 2010 10:39 AM: .. create demand for more US CourtHouses, Courtrooms, Judges and Attorneys. Bad news for Nevada and individual liberty. Government by the lawyers, for the lawyers.
These animals really hate the local firefighters, as evidenced here:
Las Vegas Firefighters wrote on January 04, 2010 11:12 AM: Notice To Costco:
Hold all the Lobster for us when the truck comes in today. We will as always, buy all the lobster you have.
We have to be gone to some silly little problem down at the Federal Building. Oh well, we'll get plenty of overtime to sit around and shoot the breeze with the union brother cops.
See you soon,
And this guy really has an axe to grind since his home invasion didn't override crime still in progress.
James the Lawyer wrote on January 04, 2010 04:28 PM: To "CCFD Family",
To answer your comment, I had a break-in at my expensive house recently. I immediately called Metro and was told by a Metro Officer they WOULD NOT COME OUT TO MY HOUSE. They will always run or sprint to the funeral parlor at the drop of hat for a union brother though.
Metro said they were too short handed and for me to call Commissioner Rory Reid and tell him to increase officer pay and staffing. The loss was over $40,000. I was told to file a written report at one of the Police Stations. Metro was probably at the funeral home forming a parade line for a fellow Hero officer...complete with balloons, candles and flowers.
I did file the break-in report and called a month later to followup and Metro had lost my 4 page report. They had no record of my report...morons.
So "CCFD Family", see why I have ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT for you overpaid and under-worked firefighters, coppers, a/k/a by the general public the Las Vegas Morons?!!!
James The Lawyer.
P.S. Was your posted "attorney comment" a physical threat against me and/or my family? If yes, inform me of your real name.
And then there's just generic cretins who apparently hate everyone. Mormons, Democrats, African-Americans, Firefighters, Policemen, Muslims. If you've got a group, they'll hate it and want it dead:
djones wrote on January 04, 2010 03:38 PM:
Glad Wicks was shot and killed. Saved us taxpayers some money and Social Security too.
Callia wrote on January 04, 2010 02:22 PM:
Yes it is true this man murdered on his job. God Be with him and his whole family.
It was abuse to victims in the story when Senator Harry Reid who lives day by second thinking how much money and power he can have over Americans, and our Country.
These politicians who are destroying our Country have no feeling for America, let alone a hard working man who is now dead to.
Idgarad wrote on January 05, 2010 05:55 AM:
Translation: Man brought up thinking he's entitled to free money finds out he's going to have to go out and get a job since there is less free money.
Just think an entire generation in their 30s are going to find out there isn't any social security money for them at all. FRom the article is sounds that he snapped after hearing he's getting less (rather then none). If just .05% of the people snap like this you'll have more combatants then some wars.
I hope there is more to this then just money but worse has been done in the name of a few dollars at a liquor store.
Victor Misek wrote on January 05, 2010 01:01 AM:
Another act of Muslim revenge???
typical black person wrote on January 05, 2010 12:33 AM:
I read his Complaint. He is a typical Black person.
Nathan the Las Vegas Firefighter wrote on January 04, 2010 07:13 PM:
We are worn out from sitting in our firetrucks at the Federal Building for hours and hours and hour and earning thousands and thousands of dollars in firefighter overtime pay. The coffee and donuts from COSTCO was appreciated. Next time we need more glazed donuts and fewer sprinkles.
Just think $118 in overtime per hour pay, hell I'll sleep in my firetruck for that amount of money any time.
Harry and Rory are my Heroes and they are Mormans like me and half my union brothers and sisters. I am black so I am double protected and will be the absolute last person to be fired. Affirmative action got me the job in the first place...and now I am a black, Morman, firefighter Hero and rich!
YAY! wrote on January 04, 2010 01:44 PM:
i love when they print happy new! Great way to start the new year. My heart does the dance of joy ever time a pig died. I hope they all burn in hell.
I mean, I'm not the hugest fan of the police, particularly the Vegas version, but never have I been thrilled at the death of a law enforcement officer of any department dying doing his job. That said, I do reserve the right to chuckle if Joe Arpaio strokes out.
There is some push back against these trolls, but it is drowned out by the hate:
By mred 1/4/10 at 11:49 a.m.
Did the murderer drive up in a vehicle with a "Rush is Right" bumper sticker
sad hateful people wrote on January 04, 2010 11:20 AM:
"We have to be gone to some silly little problem down at the Federal Building. Oh well, we'll get plenty of overtime to sit around and shoot the breeze with the union brother cops."
A law officer is killed today and another in serious condition but hey, there's still some pathetic union-haters finding time to contiue their holy jihad against city workers.
The poster is ONE PERSON -- union-hater Helen Weils, who has a hundred aliases.
And a warning that the Rethugs have been stocking up on weapons solely because we have a black president:
Mark wrote on January 04, 2010 04:13 PM:
More black on white crime. We need to clean house. How much more do we have to take?