How does one correct someone who is on your side but has bouts of straying like President Obama? Offer constructive criticism, rather than throwing his clothes on the lawn, for one. You've got a perfectly good right to bitch as well as moan about things, but the equivalent of crying "fire" in a crowded theater just makes for a crappy moviegoing experience.Barack Obama is the center-left, charismatic politician he has been for most of his life in the public. There are numerous issues on which he should be much more progressive, not just for the overall fortunes of the progressive movement, but for the future strength of the country. But we won't get there if every perceived misstep (especially one based on a less than clear story that is slowly being filled in) is greeted as if he kicked a puppy in the teeth. We shouldn't help a media environment that already favors Democratic politicians wagging their finger at the base, nor should we allow Democratic pols to get away with conservative nonsense.
Measure pols like Obama on their words and hold them to high standards, but don't profess anger at them for not holding up to a caricature you dreamily doodled in your Trapper Keeper.
Good, strong, honest, and thoughtful words from Oliver Willis.
I tend to agree with the premise. The downside of being a liberal is that you have to associate with really, really progressive liberals. They eat their young just as quickly as rabid, racist teabagger types...just for different justifications, if not reasons.
Look, overturning Don't Ask, Don't Tell is important. Just not as important to as many people as, say, reforming health care. Also, Obama isn't a liberal. If you believe this, you are as stupid as the Dittoheads who fervently believe this. No, you are actually MORE stupid than those morons. They at least have the excuse of not thinking. You probably don't.
Point is, the concept of even considering to object to EVERYTHING Obama does reactively is just as inane coming from a Rethug or a Progressive. Stop. Think. Wait for the details. Think some more. If it still offends you, fine, take a stance.
That said, I'm not a fan of the budget freeze thing, but more of from a historical 1937 perspective than some "he's taking pages from the McCain handbook!" kind of crazy. I just think it's a bad idea. Hell, if both Bob Reich and Paul Krugman are against it, it might not be that hot of a plan.