"Our country is being destroyed. Every generation has had to fight the fight for freedom... Terrorism? Yes. That's not the big battle. The big battle is in D.C. with the radicals. They aren't liberals. They are radicals. Obama, Pelosi, Walz: They're not liberals, they're radicals. They are destroying our country."- GOP Traitor Allen Quist
The hypocrisy of the GOP rears it's ugly head again. Yet another Rethug challenges and diminishes the service of a highly decorated veteran in order to win office.
But hey, this ploy sadly works for these so-called chickenhawk "patriots". Bush "won" elections over both Gore and Kerry, the latter a combat vet. Hell, let's be honest, Bush legitimately beat McCain for the nomination in 2000 by attacking the veteran in that fight.
Chambliss beat out Max Cleland by directly calling him everything short of a traitor, including a terrorist sympathizer.
Why Americans allow these assholes to insult our veterans at the same time they circle jerk to Lee Greenwood songs while wearing the flag on their underwear is beyond me. Something is seriously screwed up with these "sunshine patriots" and they should be ashamed of themselves.
That said, between this asshat, Pawlenty, and Bachmann, there's something seriously f'd up about Minnesota.