One of the impediments to dealing with Rethug loonies is that they have decided that making shit up is equal to researching and using facts.
It isn't entirely their fault. Our media's obsession with sound bites that distort the truth is an early part of this trend. Our inability - or plan for some - to not teach our kid's history, science, well, anything doesn't help. So now, people with bullshit conspiracy theories, lies, and misinformed half-truths can make categorically wrongheaded assumptions and not feel compelled to back down from them even when confronted with the truth.
I mean, seriously, when the facts are not on your side, you need to admit that there is at least another side of the story. At the most, you need to be able to admit you are wrong.
This is something I did note see modelled by the GOP yesterday. When confronted with facts that proved them wrong, they just spouted their lies louder and with more voices. Pathetic.
(h/t to Ned for the link)