Tea Party Movement Is Full of Conspiracy Theories - Newsweek.com

The crazy conspiracy lunatics behind the Tea Bagger Traitors. They want a revolution to "restore" our nation to things that "made it great". Presumably this involves slavery, no women's suffrage, and child labor.

People need to openly discuss why these idiots are truly crazy and dragging our country down to their intellectual level. Namely, that of a carrot stick. All apologies to any offended vegetables.

Talking about crazy secessionist bastards is apparently hard for the media as it goes out of it's way to report on the depths of stupid behind the "movement".

From the Big Three to NPR, trust me, you'll gain the respect of me and millions of others if you would just call our stupid and insane for what it is and forget worrying about the morons whose opinions you present as "balance" to otherwise sane positions.