Why Do Conservatives Make Excuses for White Terrorists?

A great question that I wonder every time there's some dumbass like McVeigh or Roemer or Stack.

Also, since a decorated Vietnam vet died in the attack, you'd think we'd focus more on him. However, it turns out that Vernon Hunter is black and thus apparently unworthy of coverage by our lily-white media.

Will Bunch points it out succintly: Hunter was murdered by Stack. A white guy with his own plane who didn't want to pay taxes murdered a black civil servant who also served his country in uniform in a past war.

That's about as clear an act or murder as you get. Adding the whole ramming a fuel-filled plane into a federal building just makes it worse.

But conservatives? Those supposed "patriots" when it comes time to buy yellow ribbons but not when it is time to serve? Nah, they love Stack, just like they love anyone who wants to violently oppose our nation internally.