After Health Vote, Threats on Democrats -

A recap of the ongoing terror activities of the Tea Bag Traitors.

It isn't enough to whip your cohorts into breaking windows a la Kristallnacht. Said mouth breather is a member of an Alabama militia and is, of course, cashing government disability checks while railing against said government.

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There's even more hatred. Bart Stupak is putting up with really vile phone messages. CBS covers the tame ones with many of the more offensive ones in this bit on Rachel Maddow's show last night - along with other vile behavior.

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Rep. Louise Slaughter has been informed that snipes are coming for her. She has already had the lives of her children threatened.

Rep. Russ Carnahan of Missouri had a coffin left outside his house. Nothing subtle there. Tea Bagging Traitors say it was left after a "prayer vigil". Hell, at best that's littering in poor taste. in reality it's a death threat.

Once again, these are the compassionate conservatives?

These cretins swear they aren't violent.

John McCain blows off the danger of his party's rhetoric, much like he did Palin's filth in 2008.

The NRCC says that threats against people's lives aren't a big deal.

There's a map tracking the violence. Hopefully it doesn't get any more additions.

As Maddow points out, much of this stupidity is driven by the GOP leadership itself.

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