I have having a conversation with someone the other day and this story from Marketplace came to mind. Basically, it concerns the destruction of forests in Montana thanks to milder winters there in recent years.
The lack of good solid cold snaps is letting a native beetle species flourish and destroy large tracts of pine trees. Granted, Montana may have two Democratic senators and a governor, but it's a pretty conservative place. Without being too giddy about it, I'm pretty sure these folks are reaping what they sowed when mocking climate change news. Now it is in their backyards, literally.
Sometimes it takes a harsh lesson to learn truth and put aside politically motivated myth, and this *is* a hard one to learn at that. Hopefully these folks will teach their conservative brethren the fallacy of their rhetoric. I mean, Georgia is turning into a desert and that hasn't changed any minds.
In short, conservatives need to get on board and help address the threats that affect ALL of us. Too bad that you can look at the majority of the commenters on this story and still see a lot of kool aid drinkers.
Honestly, when our economy fails and the ecology collapses, I won't have one iota of humanity left for these bastards. I hope they starve outside whatever front door I have while I help protect those who actually realize that our actions have consequences. Let those whose greed destroy our world suffer for their misdeeds.