Facts About A Palin Presidency

This is cringe worthy as a thought but hilarious to read.

Some I found funny:

"God will tell President Palin to invade Canada in order to save Canadians from universal health care insurance."

"Holding true to the tenants of the TEA Party movement, Sarah Palin vows to repeal the nation's many unearned and undeserved entitlement programs, starting with the Bill of Rights."

"Sarah Palin is serious about limiting the size of government, and plans to do her part by quitting halfway through her first term."

"Palin will not allow 'government death panels'; instead, she will force poor people to die without the intervention of the state."

Bonus entry:

"Sarah Palin will sign an Executive Order changing the official name of the Presidency of Barack Obama to the "Socialist Hope-y Change-y" era, infuriating Texas state school board officials, who will then be forced to approve history books which admit that Obama was ever actually in fact President."