Nine Christian Militia Members Charged With Seditious Conspiracy, Attempted Use Of WMD | TPMMuckraker

Onward Christian (bigoted, racist, anti-American) Soldiers!

Many sources on this, but Talking Points Memo has got a good lead on this.

So far, nine "Christian" militia members have been charged with sedition. More on their activites, including videos advocating armed revolt.

NPR is covering the story, complete with pro-militia commenters. You know, "violence = free speech" and other insane conservative BS. (Want any proof NPR has been taken over by the lunatic right? Read this crap.)

Juan Cole does a more rational job in covering the dangers of this round in the militia movement.

Rachel Maddow has some info on this and continues on the blog with other related stories.

Here is the local Detroit News article, with some tongue-in-cheek followup concerning the group's name.

And, since this is probably the tip of the iceberg, more on how this is just the beginning of a trend of hatred by so-called Christians.