Pajamas Media Editor: Let's Bring Back Tar And Feathering -- And Maybe More | TPMMuckraker

Look at this little bitch.

He wants to tar and feather you if you don't agree with turning over the country to corporations and letting churches take over the rest of government. He wants you to beat any women who wants to think for herself or, god forbid, do anything they feel is necessary with their bodies. He wants you to homeschool and then not teach your children anything of import, much less factual.

In short, he's a right wing Republican.

Think you can take him? I know I can. These are the pricks who like to start fights and then let others do their dirty work. But unlike foreign wars, only the old, infirm, and uneducated will fight a war for Republicans to destroy our nation. No inner-city kids looking for a way out. No minorities at all in any numbers to make a difference. Well, in Florida maybe. But women? Forget it. Immigrants already have you guy's number.

Who is gonna fight your revolution jerk? You? I highly doubt it. Outside of white supremacists and NASCAR morons, you're SOL.

So bring it if you feel that strongly. I'd love to see my side mop the floor with you bastards.

Or, as one commenter noted: