So my brother just forwarded me this e-mail... : politics : reddit

From Reddit, a self post regarding some scare tactic treason babble email a guy got from his brother. Read it, it is instructive of how bizarre of conspiracy theories the hard reich wing can come up.

In the comments however, is the following gem:

- comment by takatori:

You know, that gets me thinking. I mean, it's all so clear if you just think it through.

* Glenn Beck's initials are G.B. He supports the Republicans.
* Republican President George Bush's initials are G.B. He used to snort cocaine.
* Gary Busey used to (still does?) snort cocaine, and his initials are G.B. He's crazy.
* A lot of crazy people live in England, which is part of Great Britain. Its initials are also G.B.
* Great Britain is where Karl Marx died. His initials are K.M.
* Kilometers are abbreviated as "KM". Kilometers were used in the Soviet Union.
* The Soviet Union based its economy on Karl Marx. Its initials are S.U.
* The United States' initials are U.S. The opposite of S.U.

Do you see what this means? Fill in the dots, people!

Glenn Beck supports--George Bush's--crazy plan--to reunify with Great Britain--convert to the metric system--bring back Karl Marx--and the Soviet Union--in its opposite--the United States.

Don't you people see? Glenn Beck ... (sorry, I'm getting little emotional)...

Glenn Beck ... IS A COMMUNIST!

Also in the comments, the ONLY US President to take guns out of the hands of it's George W. Bush.