C-Span Caller Rails Against Black Callers (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire

I was going to question which offended me more in this story: the racist jackass or the wimp behind the desk.

I actually know the answer to that. There will ALWAYS be racists, be illiterate, backwards, hateful bastards. They breed in trailer parks. You can't educate the little pricks fast enough to remove the taint.

But you CAN tell them they are wrong. You don't have to treat them like they have an opinion worth validating. This ass clown should have been silenced immediately. The Sarah Palin's or the world need to be told that they are wrong. Civilization cannot survive based on morons of that ilk. For our self-preservation, if not our dignity, these twits need removed from the discourse of our nation.

Sure, they can contribute - once they develop thoughts that don't lead to hatred, division, fear, and death.

Thankfully, as I was typing this up, I watched a John Stewart clip on this. I feel better now.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Fear of a Black C-SPANet
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