Coddling Treason

Another example of why I still refuse to give a dime to NPR. This morning on the drive in to work, I listened to this piece of shit reporting which tried to make anti-government militias soft and cuddly. Awww. No, actually, they want to violently overthrow the government. Period. I don't give a damn if they *do* honestly want to help the police once in awhile. Most of their time is spent training how to kill said policemen and other law and defense personnel.

Just the other day, Talking Points Memo hosted an article on how Tea Bagging Traitors are trying to paint a happy face on their racist, secessionist hate prop. At least TPM is aware of what kind of sham argument that is. I mean the Tea Bag candidate for governor of New York state is a lover of racism, pornography, bestiality. The Oklahoma Tea Party isn't happy with just trying to gain success at the ballot box, it also wants to stock up on guns and ammo and form a militia.

But hey, that's nothing on Virginia, which demands that you and I honor and commemorate the racists and traitors of the Confederacy.

Traitors get hung. Racists are wrong. Both need to know they are agents of hate and evil and are clearly non-American. Coddling these behaviors and making them feel credible will do nothing to better any of us.