MLB All-Star Game should emigrate from Arizona over immigration -

Apparently some folks think it is legal to create a subclass of humans based solely on race. That's the Aryzona solution.

Here's one sportswriter who wants to move the All-Star Game out of Arizona next year. I agree with the sentiment and hope it happens.

Here's another article on the protest the Diamondbacks are getting as they travel around the country. It is sad that every player is having to get yelled at for this, but the team's owners are huge GOP backers and presumably for this. So, like all business boycotts, the line workers suffer the anger. In this case, very well paid line workers, but it is still shitty.

We've got a lot of states praising treasonous history and thinking about institutionalized racism like Aryzona's. It's a damn shame this is how some of our country wants to behave. You would wish us to be better than this.