Robert Reich (Why More Immigrants Are An Answer to the Coming Boomer Entitlement Mess)

Robert Reich makes a no-nonsense and obvious point about entitlement funding, if you just spend a few minutes looking over the data. Immigrants have nurtured and strengthened our nation in the past and they'll continue to do so, no matter what the color of their skin or language they came hear speaking.

What's weird is how acceptable the argument is. I just got done reading Geraldo Rivera's The Great Progression and he made basically the same argument in one of his chapters. Why was I reading that book? Well, I've promised myself to try to read some socio-political books of folks I don't really agree with. Reading any O'Reilly or - gasp! - Coulter or Malkin seemed to be useless. I at least share some skin color with Rivera so it seemed a good start. And, frankly, when he's not spouting anti-union, anti-progressive rhetoric he's been brainwashed with, he's the kind of Republican you can at least agree to disagree with, and even agree on some common sense ideas. Like the immigration issue.