The Rachel Maddow Show - Just in time for the OKC anniversary, a new militia movement in Oklahoma

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One of the most haunting and moving experiences I've had is visiting the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. It really hits you when you are there the depths of the hatred that live in some people's souls. As a whole, Oklahoma once was unified in it's opposition to violence as a means of political discourse. They had seen the face of evil and wanted nothing to do with it. The monsters that dwell in this trade are those like McVeigh.

The days of Oklahoma learning a painful lesson in the costs of violent extremism are apparently over.

Oklahoma has moved towards creating a traitor militia. I used to only be ashamed of having lived in Texas. Now chalk up Oklahoma to that list.

Honestly, watching Inhofe and Coburn over recent years has done the job, but this is beyond the pale. These folks - literally - should know better.