Here's the problem with Tea Baggers. First, they come up with their own nickname, which, frankly, is always a bad thing. Second, said nickname has dirty sexual connotations and they get pissed when people hilariously point this out to them. (Case in point, if some angry guy named Richard wanted to be called "Raging Dick" he should expect to be laughed at.)
Third, they are historically inaccurate in their platform - such as it is - and then can't see the rank hypocrisy their stance puts them in after decades of Republican spending.
Fourth, they are chock full of racists and violent treason types and don't do a damn thing to silence those who have sullied anything they said that might have made sense.
So what do you do when you've made a mockery of yourselves and are tied to racist traitors? What do you do when your race has been in power for hundreds of years, enslaving others and taking the land of those you didn't put under the yoke? You claim you are being discriminated against.
Um, yeah, that's not really going to work here idiots.