A somewhat tongue-in-cheek headline from Wonkette on a story I've been following the past week. First off, the sarcasm.
Now the actual odious story where the author is positively giddy about yelling out of her chauffered car at three little girls.
She even has at least one supporter, one very quick to inject some racism into the argument. Idiot.
As for the rest of the internet, there's a fairly uniform attack on the "compassionate" conservative financial nitwit.
I love this one, that calls the article a breathtakingly moronic diatribe, which really is the best explanation I've read.
And here's another good one.
This one is great the comments.
I like this commentary which accurately points out that Savage's column - and gleeful anger - is given out for free as well.
I'd take the lemonade.
Here's my favorite comment from the above Wonkette article:
"These are suburban kids - they have no idea that anything costs money. They've had the welfare of their stable, 2 income households their whole lives. Plus, that lemonade (made with filtered water, organic lemons and raw turbinado sugar in a reusable no bad plastic cup) would probably cost $6 a glass if they ran the numbers.Now, find the kids in a shitty apartment complex running a drink operation, and they'll know the cost (35 cents for a packet of "grape drink" mix, diluted twice the suggested amount with water from a hose and a dollar or so to the kid who swiped his mom's collection of plastic bar cups). Then add a dumbass adult surcharge on top to get up to a buck or two. 5 bucks if they add some codeine syrup. These are the real entrepeneurs of America, people. Kids who know exactly how fucked the world is and take it on its own terms."