Fourth of July 1776, 1964, 2010 - Frank Rich

Frank Rich comments on Independence Day and the unfinished business of our nation in regards to race.

I'll take it a step further. We have a minority of angry racists who have taken over one of our major political parties. Why? Because a black man is president.

Don't give me any nonsense about deficits or stimulus, etc. Reagan and Bush the Lesser singlehandedly covered more than half our national debt. The same angry teabagging bastards who lament the stimulus voted for both those nitwits.

No, it's the color of the man's skin that bothers them.

Listen to the talk. They "want their country back". Which country? The White One.

Anyone opposed to them isn't American. Is a socialist. Or a Nazi. Or a communist. Or not Christian enough.

Barack Obama is the most Christian president we've had since Jimmy Carter. Come to think of it, Republicans hate him too.

That say a LOT more about the conservatives than about the two presidents.

As for their other views, these are the same folks that want to deport 12 million people because businesses - their base - can't stop hiring illegals. They want to build a wall a la 1950s East Germany as a solution to bad business practices.

In Aryzona, we are 24 days away from racial profiling by those wearing a badge.

That's the Republican Party for you. Even worse than I ever truly imagined.