Rafters Push For 'Right To Float' In Colorado : NPR

Stuff like this just pisses me off. Give the story a read/listen and see if you don't get irate either.

In short, some a-hole from Texas buys up a bunch of land in Colorado adjoining a river.

Said river is used for rafting and recreation.

Said river and all rivers in Colorado are public entities. It is in the state constitution as such.

A-hole Texan claims the waterway abutting his property is his and that he can ban people from floating on it.

Case is - for some unknown reason - not thrown out on the grounds of stupidity and is pending.

Oh, in Texas, you can't own the waterways, which apparently is why he came to Colorado. Apparently he thought, and he's right, that money can break more laws in the Rockies than they can in Texas.