Nevada's Brian Sandoval catching fire for comments on his kids and Arizona's immigration law | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Turns out that even when the GOP finds a non-white to run fo office, they are too busy trying to be white to bring any diversity to the table. The following comes from the guy wanting to be Nevada's next governor, Republican Brian Sandoval, who can't decide whether he wants to hype his race or not.

After being asked a hypothetical question about how he would feel if his children were targeted in Aryzona-style fashion, we receive this response:

"My children don't look Hispanic."

So, he's okay with a racial profiling law since his kids look white? Wow, that's just sounds like standard GOP rhetoric. "There's no racism because I haven't seen any and don't give me facts to the contrary."

More on the backstory of this here.

Truly pathetic stuff.

Not quite in line with the story, but here's an editorial cartoon on the general subject: