Top Six Established Laws That Tea Partiers Claim Are Unconstitutional

More examples of how the Tea Bagging Traitors really have no clue what is in our Constitution or how our laws work FOR the American people.

But that's not all you get with these cretins. One potential Treason Party representative in California wants to abolish public schools. Yeah, not just the usual get rid of teacher's unions and the Education Department BS you get from conservatives, but full-on "Hey! Let's build conservative 'Christian' versions of madrassas and brainwash our kids into religious stupidity".

Media sweetheart/witch/20 points down in the polls candidate Christine O'Donnell proved her lack of knowledge of the Constitution in a recent debate. I only mention her because she is proud of her stupidity and her desire to inflict a theocracy on this nation. Sadly, she's the norm in the GOP these days.

Lush Rimjob weighs in and gets everything wrong as usual.

Not that he's running, but nitwit Pat Sajak, host of the only show dumbing down America faster than the Jersey Shore, thinks that public employees shouldn't vote. That's right, no cops, or firemen, or teachers should have a say in how our country is run.

That's the kind of crap you get from these idiots. They don't understand the laws of the land, and they don't want Americans to vote.

And even if you do vote, asshats like Dick Armey think you are "" target="_blank">cheating the system by early voting. But mostly by not voting for the GOP is his argument.