Secession Defended on Civil War Anniversary -

The big thing across the South is to pretend that the Civil War had nothing to do with protecting slavery from being abolished.

The New York Times began the most recent focus on the issue, pointing out some BS crap across the south this month such as a Secession Ball in South Carolina, a Treason-Lovin' Parade in Alabama (not sure what it was called so I just named it), and a re-swearing in of Jefferson Davis to boot.

Yeah, I get it, you want to honor your ancestors service. But remember, they didn't just fight for Virginia or Georgia or Arkansas. They were traitors to the United States of America.

The Daily Show did this dishonest racial bullshit it's due:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The South's Secession Commemoration
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So did Keith Olbermann:

The point is, however, how and why are these cretins allowed to celebrate both treason and slavery? You can't fly a Nazi flag or call for the genocide of Jews in Germany. You can't look west, fly the Rising Sun and lick your lips hoping to rape Korean women in Japan. It's not just uncivilized, it is illegal in both places.

Here? You can have a treasonous battle flag on your state flag and have everyone from Trent Lott to Newt Gingrich to Haley Barbour lament the loss of an age where you could be as racist as you want to be.

These folks should be breaking rocks for these thoughts, not constantly elected to public office. Also, they should be reminded that they LOST the Civil War. It wasn't a draw, nor anything close to it. And honestly, we should have sat on that place for three generations if this was how it was going to turn out.

Oliver Willis has some views on the subject worth reading. Here is another perspective that has WAY more merit than that of the White South/GOP.

Virginia's history texts are full of outright lies. They aren't alone. For all the stuff about Texas' attempted changes, even back in '80s we got a really slanted view of the "Second War of Independence" and other such crap told about the Civil War.

E.J. Dionne checks history and finds that it was very clear that the South fought to protect and maintain slavery. Case closed.

Sadly there is more on this. To be covered later.