Arizona, where the American Dream went to die | Media Matters for America

This is exactly why I am loathe to spend even a dime in the state of Aryzona. When we went through a on our last trip to Texas from Nevada, we tried to only buy gas and some quick drinks and snacks.

The place is a mass bucket of hate. I've been there to do projects at my old job many a time and it has gotten much more angry and vile in just a short period of time.

I've had to unfriend people I know who live there who have turned into angry bigots and use a twisted form of Christianity to justify it. The culture of the place is apparently built to make hate a viable source of life, like oxygen.

They keep making heroes out of people dedicated to humiliating others, to making skin color a crime. Jan Brewer. Joe Arpaio. Jon Kyl. That Trent Franks asshole who keeps pushing conservative talking points instead of concentrating on how his fellow legislator was the target of a terrorist attack. That quisling McCain who gave us the glory that is Sarah Palin and refused to muzzle her violent hate speech when he had a chance.

Don't get me wrong. The Grand Canyon is beautiful. Tucson is an interesting place. Flagstaff is gorgeous. Payson is a great place to relax.

Snowball is, however, full of assholes.

And apparently, so is much of the rest of the place.