Obama London: Inexplicable Edits on Sarah Palin's Facebook Page

Sarah Palin and her gang of lackeys have been busy this weekend deleting anything she's ever said that might be construed to aiding and abetting someone in the commission of a violent gun terror incident.

They have also been adamant in deleting anything negative someone says on their Facebook page and so on. Which, you know, is their right. I unfriend nitwits myself so no one is above this kind of thing on a personal site.

This has been tracked - somewhat - here. Read it, it's good stuff.

In the article the author also points out what is NOT being deleted by Palin and her goons.

This isn't Palin's words, but she allows it to remain on her page.

Is *she* palling around with terrorists now? Or at least scum who approve the killing of 9 year old kids whose politics they don't agree with?

In a word, YES.