'Vitriol' Cited As Possible Factor In Arizona Tragedy : NPR

For once, amazingly, a NPR article that doesn't suck up to the right wing.

This one discusses how the Tucson shooter may have been influenced by anti-government hate speech in the media.

Go figure.

Their followup article is even better at detailing the current climate and those who stoked it's fires.

Paul Krugman says a lot of what I've been thinking in this article. I, too, am not surprised this happened. Saddened? Disappointed? Yes. But something like this was going to happen eventually, especially with cheerleaders like Palin egging people on.

Rep. James Clyburn puts it more pointedly. "The fact of the matter is, we just came out of an election. We saw a candidate for the United States Senate saying 'if you can't get what you want at the ballot box, let's seek second amendment remedies.' What does that mean? That is a very vitroilic statement."

Rep. Giffords herself had some concerns over Palin "targeting" her.

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