Weigel : The Joe Wilson "You Lie" AR-15 Lower Receiver

Given their outrage over the past few days, it appears that conservatives NEVER condone violence or would trafiic in, say, making gun components that would encourage the assassination of an American president. Much less a black President.


What you see there is a replacement magazine receiver for a M-16/AR-15 produced in South Carolina by a company so energized by nitwit Representative Joe Wilson, a Republican of course, that they went out and made semi-automatic and automatic machine guns parts.

Why? Hell, I dunno. They might be assassination loving traitors. Or just idiots.

And yes, making a gun part that makes mention of an elected representative making false accusations against the President is nothing short of a call to arms.

More at Mother Jones, ThinkProgress, and a South Carolina weekly on this story barely getting noticed elsewhere.

Though kudos to Lawrence O'Donnell for staying on top of it.