Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war | The Guardian

Here's a variation on the bumper sticker: Iraqi lies to Bush, people die.

Turns out we based the whole "Iraq has WMDs" argument on one guy. Who apparently lied about the WMD program under Saddam's rule that caused us to invade the country.

Personally, I had always believed they made the whole damn thing up because they were gonna invade anyways but got sidetracked by 9/11. It turns out there actually was a guy, and he was a liar. You know, just like Powell, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush, Yoo, Rice, and the rest of the Apocalyptic Scooby gang.

Ya know, if you are gonna take the word of one guy before taking this nation to war, couldn't you at least pretend to investigate his claims?

I mean, I've got no use for Reagan, but if these folks are gonna treat him like Right Wing God, couldn't they AT LEAST adhere to the "Trust but VERIFY" commandment?