Miss. license plate proposed to honor KKK leader - Boston.com

The Sons of the Confederacy in Mississippi thinks it's a great idea if that state issues a commemorative license plate honoring Nathan Bedford Forrest.

In short, they want to honor a traitor, racist, and terrorist. A man who led armies against the United States, who butchered black soldiers who surrendered at Fort Pillow, and the man who created the Ku Klux Klan.

The very fact that evil bastards like this are held up as heroes to many in this nation 145 years after the Civil War is a dark stain upon every citizen in this country. We should not stand for this. We should call it out for the evil that it is. We should quit apologizing to people proud that their ancestors committed treason and that some were slave owners. What the hell could be possibly have to apologize to them for?

Call it the evil that it is. Call it the pride on unpatriotic sedition. Call it un-American for that is what it most surely is.

My favorite - and most unhelpful - comment on this came from this related story:

I wonder how they'd feel if OH, birthplace of General W. Tecumseh Sherman, proposed a license plate depicting Sherman on a horse with a torch in hand and a silhouette of Atlanta in the background?

- commenter Tinsk