Republican Majorities Pushing Photo ID Voter Requirements Across Country | TPMMuckraker

From everything I have seen or read growing up, the more racist your party is, the more it hates the idea of one man, one vote.

First it was the Democrats in the South with poll taxes and literacy tests. Once those racists went over to the GOP in the 1960s, it has been nonstop ever since.

Now the GOP is at it again. Apparently there were like sixty-odd cases of suspected voter fraud in the last presidential election. You know, out of 100 + million votes. No ACORN fraud ever proven. No "New Black Panther " goon squads. They lied. They made shit up.

And still too many minorities, women, and elderly vote for their comfort. So they are trying to make it even harder for folks to vote.

Here is more on the odious plans here in Minnesota.

As Republicans like to tell you: this nation is not a democracy. And they are doing everything they can to prove it.