Some jackasses in South Dakota want everyone to own a gun.
Okay, maybe they don't want everyone to own a gun but there point is that it is the same as making everyone buy health care. They'd have a point, if they weren't idiots.
One, the price of a gun won't go down if everyone buys one. In fact, the reverse might happen. But if everyone is getting covered by health insurance, our collective rates will probably decrease since we won't be paying for those who aren't covered and do health care through the ER, which affects the rates of those of us who DO pay.
But that's too difficult for most folks.
How's this? If a bunch of white, racist jagoffs have guns, they speak about the Second Amendment and being (non-military service) patriots. But what if we followed their lead? Not to be all Tom Paine here, but what if we DID do as they propose in South Dakota. Lets make a deal with our paymasters the Chinese and buy about 100 million Kalashnikovs and send them to the inner city. Or the South. Let's form a hundred thousand "well-regulated militias" worth of brown and black and Asian men and women.
Let's see them drill and prepare to combat those against our liberties. Against those who take rights from gay Americans, who don't let women control their bodies. Against those who take away the right to vote from the elderly and anyone who served their sentence for a felony. Who want to take citizenship away from children who are born to immigrants.
Let's get behind this one. I mean it. George Soros can pay for a battalion of armed inner city youth. The only thing propping up the GOP is rich businessmen and racist politicians pushing the fear of brown people and gays. If the gays and minorities are armed to the teeth, the numerical advantage alone is going to shut the mouths of those blowhards.
Then what?
Truth be told though, this idiocy they propose is actually already law. George Washington himself made it so. He wanted a fledgling American experience armed against all enemies and mandated home gun ownership back in the day.
Be careful what you wish for....