Bradley Manning committed a crime. He violated military law to release information that showed that this nation was in violation of war crimes laws. He did what he had to because he realized that the United States is capable of cruelty and barbarism just like any other.
So he's in prison, and he probably deserves to be.
That said, dumping bogus charges on him and making him sleep naked is not helping anyone, except maybe Manning's case.
How we treat our own is just as important as how we treat "enemy combatants".
How we respond to news that we are in the wrong is just as important as obeying the law. ESPECIALLY when folks like John Yoo, et al. have twisted the law to say anything they need it to say.
Give Manning his boxers back. Charge him on crimes of releasing documents without permission. He's no traitor. Hell, if anything, he's more American for doing what he did than any of the bastards from Bush or Cheney or Rumsfeld on down who let this nation torture people and shoot civilians willy-nilly and whatever the hell else went on intentionally, with proper orders in our overseas wars.