I've been chastised recently for stating that many Tea Party types are racist bigots.
I *do* realize the following; some of those folks are not actually racist; they just quietly condone being lumped in with them. I also realize that not all racists are Tea Baggers: Hillary Clinton's PUMA supporters proved that.
So, even with those two caveats, I would like the defenders of "free speech racism" to explain this.
I also have two points to make here.
One, if you aren't racist, why do you compare humans to pigs and suggest slaughtering them is the only way to deal with any potential issues they cause? Also, yes, this is racist. You can't check documentation from a helicopter so this guy is asking to hunt brown people from the air.
Two, why do these conservative cowards refuse to hunt fairly? Cheney and his box o' birds (which he still couldn't shot without hitting a "friend") and Palin and this moron wanting to shoot things from a helicopter.
Come on down to ground level and make it at least somewhat equal.
Also, if you really want to shoot brown people from the air, join the Air Force. They'll even let you have a drone so you don't have to leave the U.S. to do it.