Some interesting thoughts on the future of libraries in this nation.
Now, while I agree with some of the ideas, I completely disagree with the premise.
There is a lot of confusion about the public domain of late. Look, schools and libraries and police and fire departments are not supposed to turn a profit. They are supposed to provide a public service. Bashing libraries as failures because commercial bookstores are going out of business is irritatingly stupid.
I go to libraries. Everywhere I have ever lived I've managed to find the local one in the first week. Even here in Rochester where new books are either slow to come in or not at all apparently. I'd argue I've got a more complete collection in some topics than the library does. Pitiful, but not an argument for shutting the place down.
Now should the library expand to happen some future needs? Yes. But as an extension of what it already does, not to replace what someone sees as not working.
Let me put it this way. I went to pick up a book on reserve on Monday and took Gabriel to see some Dr Seuss movies and pick up some books on Saturday. If I have more reasons to go, I will, but I am already using the place quite well as it is, thank you.