Texas immigration bill has big exception

To their credit, Texas is trying to tackle illegal immigration by going after those who employ them. Which, considering the usual Republican plan, which is to criminilize brown folks in general, is pretty enlightened.

That said, there is a catch. The only employers who won't get punished are those who hire undocumented maids, lawn guys and houseworkers in general. In short, rich people are immune from the law.

Now, don't get me wrong. I get the logistics of it. Busting a lot of households in Texas gated communities is gonna take a lot of work. But come on! Make it a two tiered punishment system. If a big employer gets two years in jail and a $10k fine, make the guy with three maids, a gardener, and a pool guy from Guatemala do 100 hours of community service and a $2k fine. Or something. Anything.

Once again, we let the rich go. I'm sure businesses will keep employing illegals. Hell, my dad once worked at a shop in Texas that was half full of undocumented machinists owned by a Republican state legislator who was supposedly anti-immigrant. You know, except for the ones who worked for him.