Why Don't Teachers Get the Respect They Deserve? Republicans Would Rather Destroy Schools Than Raise Taxes on Millionaires | News & Politics | AlterNet

"New Jersey has the third highest percentage of millionaire residents in America. Damn near 7 percent of the people that live in New Jersey are millionaires.

New Jersey millionaires, how many of them are there? Well, there's 212,000 of them.

How many teachers? A hundred and twelve thousand.

They got more millionaires in New Jersey than they do teachers, but we got to have the teachers pay for everything. We can't raise the taxes on the rich folks over in New Jersey, maybe the top 2 percent maybe giving 1 more percent? Nope, can't do that."

Ed likes to get bent out of shape over a lot of things, but sometimes he picks the right thing to be pissed about.