Plan would require foster children to shop for clothing in thrift stores | Michigan Radio

Your compassionate conservatives are at it again. We give farmers money not to grow stuff. We give oil companies billions and trillions in tax breaks to fleece us at the pump, if not to ruin our coastlines.

But poor people? Let's screw with them. In Michigan, the baggers and bastards want to mandate that those fostering children ONLY buy those kids clothes at thrift shops .

Hey, it isn't enough that these kids need a home and have shaky foundations for life. Let's let it be publicly known their garments are hand-me-downs at best.

That won't make them feel unworthy of a society's love and respect, now will it?

Meanwhile, here in Minnesota, the new pack of Rethugs wants to make it illegal for folks on public assistance to have more than $20 cash in their pockets.

People need to open their eyes and see these people for what they are.