John Stewart went on Fox News Sunday and basically got Chris Wallace - a journalist who became a shill apparently without even knowing it - to admit that FAUX is pushing an ideological agenda.
We all know that they are, but he's their prize reporter, the guy they turn to whenever people call them talking-point-driven liars. Even he knows he's pushing a side.
Stewart calls out the fake coverage of some of what he said (and he knows from fake journalism, right?) and then lays down a volley of things said on FAUX that have never been corrected:
Ta-Nehisi Coates over at The Atlantic reminds us of Stewart's core argument: he's a comedian that runs a show mocking the news.
Having Chris Wallace try to compare Comedy Central to FAUX is hilarious. In short, he points out that Comedy Central's jesters are folks like Pamela Anderson getting roasted with jokes about Tommy Lee's dick. And FAUX's jester - until he's unemployed next week - is Glenn Beck, the guy who wants to be taken seriously as a "prophet" who laments the fact that no one has shot the president yet.
For more on what conservatives view as fun, read this. Then, if you can stomach it, you can watch the video. The material isn't the worst thing I've heard from a conservative's mouth, but the vile, gleeful, lusty laughter from the crowd just makes you want to instantly hate these people.