Georgia's state of hate

This begins with a roundup of thing Georgia has done to make it very uncomfortable to be Latino down there. Hell, it's been dangerous to be non-white there for centuries.

And it isn't just a color thing. These cretins are both proud to have voted for a guy who questioned the patriotism of a paraplegic honored veteran AND supported Michael Vick AFTER the dog killing facts came out.

I know folks who love Atlanta, can't say enough about the rest of the state. That's fine. Personally, I'd let a modern day Sherman re-enact the burning of the place.

The more I read, the more I'm inclined to help fund such an effort.

HB 87 is the bill that makes it state law to hunt down undocumented immigrants and, well, I don't know really. Something draconian and "Christian" I imagine, like forcibly breaking up a family, burning the birth certificates of any children born here, or something along those lines.

Turns out a downside to trying to make your state lily-white - or less brown anyway - is that no one is around to pick your produce. Using folks on probation hasn't worked out so well.

A lot of the stories related to this has passed their freshness dates but Jay Bookman at the AJC puts out some good news reporting on this, follow this and this for some background.

We're all probably going to pay more at the market as these racist Tea Baggers keep pulling this kind of thing. It isn't enough for them to let the rich live tax free, they have to amp up the cost of everything for the rest of us too. In short, we're paying for them to be racist pricks to folks just looking for some money to feed their families.

Nice job.