I often say that the modern Republicans are being led by cruel idiots. I get called out a lot on that. I am not saying every Republican voter is a bigot or a moron. That said, they sure do elect a lot of 'em.
Case in point per the poor leadership argument. The Pima County, AZ GOP is raffling off a gun. They've had the gun for awhile, even tried to raffle it off before but no one picked it up.
So they are trying it again.
No big deal. Folks have raffles for stuff all the time. Plus, these kinds of folks think it is great to bring weapons into the house of God, a place to worship their so-called Prince of Peace. Not Piece. Peace. Anyways....
Problem is, Pima County is where Representative Gabrielle Giffords has her Congressional seat. You know, the elected official some jackhole tried to assassinate last year. By using a Glock. A Glock, incidentally, is the type of pistol being auctioned by the Pima County GOP.
It's tasteless to try to profit from this. End of story. Someone can donate a howitzer for all I care but not this. Then again, these folks like money more than they do people. Or respect. Or decency.
And you wonder why I won't vote for them. You know, aside from them wanting to deport me solely based on my genetic makeup.