Bankers Join Billionaires to Debunk 'Imbecile' Attack on Top 1% - Bloomberg

Read this. Be as sickened as I am.

I have said this time and time again. This isn't - to me anyway - anything about class warfare.

Go ahead, get rich. Actually, scratch that.

Go ahead, provide goods and services. Honorably, with respect and consideration for the potential benefits AND harm you may cause. Be a good citizen AND a good vendor.

If that makes you rich, then great!

Now that you are rich, are you going to gamble your wealth on the market? If so, are you going to do so without jeopardizing commodity markets or lumping your cash in with a bunch of retiree pensions and possibly screw with people's wallets, food supplies, and futures?

If so, go ahead, invest, make money. PAY TAXES ON THE EARNINGS! Not 15%, pay what you would if you actually WORKED for it. Hell, it is beyond fair to do so.

And when people wake up to the fact that rich people and corporations buy more and more political power as they pay less and less into the public coffers and are pissed about it, be a smidge sensitive to the anger.

Don't take it so personally. Realize you are lumped in with thieves.

And, if you don't care for that company, either do something about it or shut the hell up.

Mother Jones has some more on billionaires trying to silence their opponents.