Gay community apologizes to Amy Koch for ruining her marriage - Minneapolis News - The Blotter

Hypocrisy is a bitch.

The state GOP has lost their senate leader. Turns out she has a problem keeping her marriage vows and was screwing one of her staff members.

Ironically, she is one of those staunch defenders of "traditional marriage" that are trying to alter the Minnesota state constitution to only permit marriages such as hers. No, not unfaithful, loveless, and false, but between a man and a woman only.

So, the gay community did they should in the marketplace of bigoted, right wing sociopaths: they apologized.

You know, because anyone who believes that gays should marry is surely in favor of destroying any other kind of marriage. And certainly Senator Amy Koch would never have allowed herself to make the monster with two backs with anyone other than her wedded husband if it weren't for those darn gays she hates so much.
