A Look At Iowa's First Majority Hispanic Town : NPR

The English-only mobs are only going to get more bitter as this keeps happening. West Liberty, IA is the first town in that state to become majority Latino.

Now granted, every immigrant group has a mixed bag first generation concerning assimilation. That said, you hear a whole lot about it by the nativists these days.

So, yeah, Spanish is going to be more prevalent in these neighborhoods. Hell, get used to it. Half of my son's TV viewing has some level of Spanish regularly integrated into it. It is happening, not because this batch of immigrants isn't trying to become American. They are. My family is proof of this.

That said, the sheer numbers of leftover Spaniards/Mexicans absorbed into this country combined with the influx of Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, you name it, who have come to make a better life for themselves *is* changing the language as much as it is changing the view of what a beautiful woman is (more Sofia Vergara than Kate Moss, for instance), eating (salsa sells more than ketchup), etc.

You get the idea. America is adapting again. No one rails against the Irish for making us have St. Patrick's Day. We don't beat Germans over the head for trying to make us drink better beer. Cajuns speak whatever form of French they have. Chinatowns have their own lingo, as do Polishtowns, Little Havana, etc.

We take what the world does best and we make it our's. And sometimes that might not look familiar to you. Get over it. Adapt and overcome. It is what this nation does best.