An open letter to the people who hate Obama more than they love America

I like this.

It needs said. More often, by more people.

Up until this morning, a guy, (Traitor Rick Perry), who was considered less effective than George W. Bush and who is a fan of Texas secession wanted to be considered a viable candidate for presidency of the United States.

Currently, a man who couldn't keep a sacred vow to two women (Gingrich) wants to swear on the bible that he will "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States". And this, even as he vows to ignore the Supreme Court of the United States.

Each is part of a party whose platform is not to improve our economy, mend fences with a world that has reason to hate and fear us, nor find ways to fix our immigration, labor, environment, infrastructure, or a host of other issues. No, their stated goal is to make Barack Obama a one term president. For some, many I'm sure, that has everything to do with the color of his skin.

And you wonder why I am down on them.