Gingrich's Racial Doubletalk On Food Stamps | Mother Jones

Gingrich, and the rest of the GOP, want you to believe that the only people on food stamps are black and lazy. Or at least minorities. And only Democrats.

And for some weird reason, they think people are proud of taking welfare. I have never understood that argument. Then again, I don't get capital gains tax cuts, farm subsidies or pay a pittance to dig out federal resources and then overcharge consumers, the way most of the GOP's biggest contributors do. THOSE guys are VERY proud of their government handouts.

So maybe that is where the get the idea.

You can see from here the odious BS coming from him, and the reality of food stamp use.

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Marketplace covers the truth on this. Many of these folks are elderly or under 18, but also many of them actually have jobs, just not great ones.