A loaded headline to be sure but not too bad of an article.
I would argue that Obama is probably more of a Christian than any president we've had since Carter. You could argue with me, but you'd probably be wrong. He hasn't cheated on his wife at any time we know of. Can't say that for Reagan, Clinton, and probably Bush the Lesser. He actually hasn't started a war. Sending bombing runs into Libya might count I suppose but it wasn't "our" war in the traditional sense of the word.
Bush did what he could to stop profiling of Muslims after 9/11, but given the mob that elected him, that wasn't much at all. Obama turned over DADT, belatedly, but he did.
So where is he "anti-Christian" except in expanding the rights of more Americans than others before him?
Face it, he wasn't elected to be a secular pope. He was elected to lead ALL Americans to be more free and prosperous. No, not to let bigots reign or to let one hard-lined version of Christianity oppress people.
No, he's a family man who acts like one probably would given the same job. Take care of the neighborhood, let the psychos down the street yell about secret Muslims, birth certificates, and whatever other BS bangs around in their tin foil hats, and just do what is right for the most people.
I wouldn't want the job. Or, rather, you wouldn't like me much either if I had it.