"I hope the House considers my resolution as soon as we return to Washington so we can send a message to President Obama." - Rep. Diane Black. Republican. Tennessee. Moron.
The GOP apparently really is as stupid as you sometimes imagine.
While complaining about the President's recess appointments, the House is pretending to do business. Basically, Junior Rep from Nowheresville, Teabaggia sits alone in the House chamber and they call the House open. It is a lie.
Hell, it is a lie supported by Rep. Black demanding action on a bill condemning the President. You know, once they all make it back to D.C.
She even mentions in her statement that they've been in recess since December 17th.
In short, they are stopping the government from operating, at least the parts of it they don't like. And don't get me wrong, this is egregious behavior by ANY party and I would like to hope that Harry Reid would have been shamed for these games when he did it during the Bush years. You either recognize that people win office and earn their right to do good or ill or you abuse the Constitution in such a way that YOU are the problem. Do your job, even if the consequences suck.
You really cannot make this stuff up.