Conservatives always go on and on about how they are the patriots. They are "compassionate" and "Christian" and defenders of freedom and liberty. They "support the troops", implying of course that YOU do not. They have been "taxed enough already".
In this political season, we have seen these put as a lie. Mitt Romney pays less in taxes than even a tight slot machine gives in payouts. Angry conservative debate crowds have yelled for people without medical insurance to die, have heckled gay soldiers, cheered on Newt Gingrich as he calls minorities lazy welfare cheats, and so on.
This past week, Jan "Bruja" Brewer, governor of Aryzona, decided to push this a little further, wagging her finger in the President's face like he is a schoolchild in need of a lecture.
Here's how it actually looks:
And how it seemed to come off:
Folks still say this isn't about race. They are either deeply deluded or just moronic.
This is not about policy disagreements, this is disrepect. From Joe Wilson a couple years ago to this (already established) racist governor, this is about the president being black. We've had parties since right after the dawn of this nation and barring slave owning senators beating other lawmakers, we normally don't get this level of hatred and outright uncivil behavior.
This isn't a drunk guy in a bar pissed off. We're talking governors, and senators and representatives in the national government. Arguably among the top 600 or so folks in our nation, behaving like angry Klucker mob members.
It needs to stop. There is NO hope for any of that mob to ever earn my vote again, but for the good of the nation - and for their own good as the face of this nation changes - it needs to stop.