Obama's new approach to war chalks up another win | StarTribune.com

Yes, this is old.

Yet, given this is an election year, still relevant.

There are two trends that always seem to befuddle me. Republicans are given this assumed image that they are great for capitalism and effective war leaders.

It isn't true though.

Economically, the average American fares better under Democratic administrations, as well as the general economy itself.

Wars? FDR beat the Nazis, Reagan conquered Grenada.

Bush got us into Iraq and Obama got our troops out of there. Not a clean victory, but it made up for the false reasons we went in there.

Granted, Nixon got us out of Vietnam, which Johnson mismanaged. Given the crap that mess was, call it a draw.

So, you are more apt to get into a brushfire war with a Third World nation and fight to a draw under the GOP and lose money and your savings with it. What is the reason to vote for these guys again?